Devon Franklin’s ‘uncomfortable’ prayer could be for you

Preacher and spiritual success coach Devon Franklin via Facebook/Devon Franklin

Renowned preacher and spiritual success coach Devon Franklin recently delivered a powerful prayer about discomfort and why it’s sometimes a sign that it’s not a time to give up but a time to grow into a new stage of your life.

“Dear heavenly father I just wanna pray right now for someone who’s just uncomfortable dear God. Uncomfortable in their purpose, uncomfortable even in their walk with you, uncomfortable in their relationship, uncomfortable in their job, uncomfortable in their career, uncomfortable because we’re in a period where there is a lot of things changing around us where we have no control over. Uncomfortable Lord in their finances. Just flat out uncomfortable,” he began in a prayer on Instagram.

“I’m praying dear Lord for the one who is in discomfort right now. I pray dear God that they would know dear heavenly father that this discomfort is not a sign of the denial of your destiny for their life. But if anything, may they understand that this discomfort will work toward the destiny on their life. I’m praying right now, someone who is uncomfortable, they’ve been crying out, they’ve been frustrated, they’ve been mad and they’re just saying Lord I just need some peace. So I’m praying dear God that you would provide the peace but not at the expense of their purpose. I pray that anyone who’s been uncomfortable you would know that this discomfort, whenever we change for the better we go through a transformation and that transformation comes with it discomfort.

“When we’re going from who we used to be to who God wants us to be it’s gonna be challenging. When we’re shifting what we used to do in one career to a new career that’s gonna be challenging. Some of you right now you’re uncomfortable because you’re trying to fit in to a group and you don’t fit in and you just ask God, ‘God why didn’t you make me like everybody else? Why did you cause me to be so different that I don’t fit into anybody’s group? I pray that if this is you, you would know that you fit into the group that matters which is to the group of your father’s love.

“God loves you and he has created a category of one just for you. You don’t have to fit in. All you have to do is be who God called you to be and I know that it’s painful. I know that it’s painful to stand out I know that it’s painful to be uncomfortable but I promise you according to His word that even if your discomfort you are getting closer to who he has called you to be. Doing what he has called you to do. And the thing that makes you unique is the thing that’s going to set you apart and elevate you in a way that may seem impossible right now. I’m praying for the uncomfortable.

“I’m praying for those in discomfort. That you would know that while God begins to restore comfort to your life that the comfort is going to come at the level of your calling. That comfort is coming to help confirm your calling. So even in the discomfort as He brings comfort into your life, just know that if you’re uncomfortable right now, it’s because the call on your life is great. I don’t want you to give up right now. Now is not the time to give up. As you’re in the process of change commit to that change. See that change all the way through. Cry, be uncomfortable, have the discomfort but please don’t give up. You’ve come too far to quit. You’re closer than you’ve ever been. See it all the way through. This is my prayer, in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.”

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